Wednesday 12 December 2012


Hi!!!! Wow, it has been a little while since my last update and soooooooooooo much has happened in that time. I don't know where to start so here is a brief resume to start with.

As I am sure you will all remember I had been told that it was that time I look forward to again, chemo time! I was waiting for my appointment to get the regime sorted etc etc. That appointment came and we got a schedule sorted, drug decided and a date ready to go. As always happens in my life a spanner was well and tuely thrown into the works and that very same day I received a call from a lady in Ireland wanting to talk to me about a job in Ireland. That was me thrown into days of deliberation, back and forth with the decision. I knew sensibly that it was a crazy idea to head off to a new country and new job and that point in my life but I also knew deep on my heart exactly what I was going to do!

I spoke to friends and I spoke to aquaintances and I spoke to professionals and I got a mixed bag of opinions. None of those really mattered though because I already knew exactly what I was going to do! Still, its manners to ask lol!

So the first phone call came on the Thursday and by the Monday the job was mine, my notice to the job from hell was in and the wheels were in motion for my next big move. It was all a bit of a whirl wind, I had 17 days to get sorted and let me tell you when half of those are work days and when you have bloody cancer to accomadate, that aint many!

Anyway, I won't bore you with all the details, only to say I don't think my Boston consultant could have been any less impressed, ha, it made me laugh a little :) So anyway, the day came round very quickly when it was time to head off, of course I gave my self too much to do and no time to do it but with my life packed in the car, for the second time in less than a week I wet off, a few stops along the way and a night spent in Cov seeing the besties. Thursday I headed off to Wales, well I tried. The weather, fate, god, allah and a few others beside all conspired against me and made it as difficult as they possibly could for me to reach my destination of Holyhead. My easy 3 hour tootle turned into a mammoth 16 hour horror ride! Several hours sat on the dual carriage way and many more driving in the pitch black along what seemed to be a torrential river in a hurricane! So my luxury night enjoying a beautiful hotel was not meant to be but hey I was just grateful to make it there alive!!!

At this point I still wasn't sure if the ferry would be running, it had been cancelled that day and I wasn't too sure what the weather had in store for the next day. TBH though I was too tired to care....

Next day, it was like it never happened, the world was bright and beautiful and calm and so after enjoying a shortened version of my fancy hotel I set off for the ferry. Now as some of you know, ferries are not my favorite mode of transport, I don't trust them, I don't have see legs and I just generally dislike the whole experience. Well in line with the rest of the journey, the crossing was pure hell! Poor old Wally had to stay in the car while I went off upstairs, as if the 16 hours the previous day in the car wasn't enough for the poor boy! Anyway, as soon as we set off the captained piped up with his ever so funny repartoire of just how rough the sea was adn then the young man brought round the sick bags. well, that was it for me, off I went and threw up twice, nice! So I took my self to the centre of the ferry, curled up on the floor and made my self go to sleep, I figured if I was asleep, I couldn't be sick. It worked and the next thing I knew, I was waking up in Dublin!

To be continued.....