Monday 15 October 2012

hop along...

Hello folks, thanks for coming back to catch up with me. It has been ages since my last post, truth is I have not been in the right frame of mind to be writing about my feelings or about the happenings in this crazy life of mine. I have struggled over the last month or so to really see anything in a positive light and have found life a bit of a drag. However, I think I am starting to see the light and although nothing has actually really changed I am starting to feel more myself.

So last time I posted I was still waiting on my latest results and was starting to feel quite worked up about everything, patience has never been my strong point! Well the day finally came and I headed off to the hospital for my appointment with the big boss man. The news really was that there was no news! By this I mean nothing had changed, no growth or spread but no reduction either. According to the powers that be this is positive news. Now, I understand the theory behind this, it means that the drugs are keeping the cancer at bay to some degree. However, I find it difficult to walk around day in day out aware that there is cancer still in my body and that despite the drugs I am taking on a daily basis it hasn't gone anywhere. It feels to me like I am walking around with a ticking time bomb inside me and all I really want to do is cut it all out. I understand the rational facts but they don't always over ride the deep emotional reactions.

The last month I have had a couple of hospital admissions, I have had problems with my potassium levels and had to have this as an IV and my heart has been an ongoing concern. The blood transfusions are still a regular event and that doesn't seem like changing any time soon. It seems there are more and more bits of me starting to go wrong but I suppose that is understandable considering everything my body has coped with up til now.

On top of everything else the stooooopid horse took a big old leap in the air and landed nicely on top of my foot resultin in broken metatarsals 2,3 & 4!!! No plaster luckily just a weird 'air cast' boot which I am supposed to use fro walking (supposed to being the operative word!!!).

The Aspire channel swim is going well so far, I am nearly nine miles accross now out of a total of 22 miles. My best swim to date was 74 lengths so well over a mile, very happy with that :)

Check it out!

Wally dog is totally awesome and is doing really well with his training. His repotoire now includes sit stay, down stay, both paws, roll over, splat, comando crawl, leave it and many more.... Such a genius puppy :)
So, next up is repeat scans in November... Hoping and praying for a change in the right direction. I need a break from the worry!
 Watch this space!!!

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