Wednesday 23 January 2013

Ready for round 2...

Its nearly that time again, these 3 weeks have flown by and now only 2 sleeps and its time for round two. Can't say I am looking forward to it, I'm just starting to feel a bit more human. I tell you it is bloody difficult to convince myself to go back each time, what I would do for this to be over! Mind you I nearly got my self out of it this week by attempting to burn my hand off lol! Got a hand full of steam blisters, the doctors weren't impressed when they realised my medical history, blood counts etc! Seems I am fine though and although they are bloody painful they are actuall going down really nicely thanks to the magic potion from the hospital. I have to apply it every 15 minutes and if I don't I can't bend my fingers!

Been feeling  miffed this week watching all the pictures and stories from home of people playing in the snow, all we get here is rain, rain and more rain. Evie has had a couple of snow days and revels in e-mailing me how 'orson' it is lol! I need a good sledging session in a winter wonderland to put a smile on my face and make me feel OK about being so bloody cold all the time!

So over the last three weeks I have had to go for weekly checks on my heart, kidneys etc, I go again tomorrow to make sure I am OK for the treatment to go ahead. Been getting terrible chest pains but I don't think it can be too much to worry about as they would have said. Probably just my poor old body protsting! My blood counts have been dropping and so I dread to think what they will be at tomorrow. Before this treatment started my Platelets were at 180, last week they were down to 60, I reckon I will be looking at platelet transfusions pretty soon and will definitely be due blood, not sure if they are doing that tomorrow. Hope so!

Anyways, just thought I would fill you all in quickly where I'm at. Will update post chemo.... Wish me luck!!!

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