Wednesday 20 March 2013

Penultimate poison....

Penultimate chemo complete and it seems this course really is kicking some cancer butt! As most of you will know I had my scans and blood checks and the results were fantastic. No visible sign of any cancer activity and my CA125 (OC marker) has dropped right down to a few points above normal which is brilliant news. Now I know this is confusing for people, its confusing for me to but basically it means, at this point in time, my cancer is under control. As my disease is recurrent OC this means it is not curable, I will always have OC but the doctors say it should be viewed as a chronic condition and as things stand at the moment there are still options open to me if and when my next recurrence shows its ugly face. So as you can imagine, this result is bitter sweet for me I am over the moon and so grateful for the prospect of a break from treatment (except the Tamoxifen which I intend to continue taking). Obviously i have a number of health issues which will unfortunately not miracuosly go away just because my cancer is currently innactive. I'm not dwelling on these things and I'm not trying to say oh poor me I'm just being realistic and hopefully helping people to understand the complexities of my disease. All I hope now is that I get a good long break and can continue ti manage this for many years to come. Who knows, maybe if I can hang on long enough, a cure will be found!

So while there has been a fair bit of good news for me this has been tempered somewhat byt the way things are progressing with my step dad. The news at the moment is he definitely has a space occupying lesion in his head, it is slow growing but is positioned in a very dangerous spot, pressing on the area that controls movement. It is unknown ant the moment if it is malignant, his biopsy is next week They had to wait a long time so the anti coagulants were well clear of his system. The surgeon is very concerned that any small anount of bleeding will be catastophic so the surgery is very high risk. He has also been told that regardless of the biopsy result the growth is inopperable so the only option will be to try and shrink it. He also has 'nodules' on the lungs, they have not made any commitment on whether of not the two things are connected yet. So anyway, he is at home at the moment, feeling pretty tired, fitting quite reguarly but trying to get on with things. Of course as a family we are beside ourselves with worry, it is hard to find any positive in the news so far. I am struggling to believe that al this started with what we though was a simple stroke and cannot believe how it is turning out. So, that is where we are now, I will update when there is something to tell.

I would also like ti thank everyone for all the goodwill messages, support ect that I have been receiving. It all helps!!!

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