Tuesday 7 August 2012

Blue lights and chest drains...

Drama, drama, drama, I wouldn't be me if there wasn't a bit of drama to report. Since my last post I have been to that place I call my 2nd home, the hospital. I had been struggling with a chest infection for a week or so but being the stubborn idiot that I am, I refused to go to the doctor as I didn't want to end up being kept in. So anyway, one evening I became quite unwell, was unable to breath and eventually collapsed in a heap and needed an ambulance. So I was rushed of to the hospital, prodded and poked, x-rayed and scanned. Bodily fluids of several guises were extracted and eventually I was told I had Pneumonia and a pleural effusion in the lung that has not been treated in the past. When I decided to have just the one lung done before, I  should have known this would happen! Anyway, once they stabilised me the treatment was simple enough, antibiotics and a chest drain. The chest drain is not the most comfortable proceedure in the world but I have had worse. The worst part is being stuck in the bed while it is done, my drain was in for about 24hrs so I had to be catheterised which is always pleasant!!! Anyway, once I was drained and my temp was stable I was out pretty quickly, just had to return daily for the next 7 days for IV antibiotics. A small price to pay for release! So here I am with the decision of whether to get this lung done with the powder to prevent future attacks. I don't particuarly want to go through that proceedure again but equally the last thing I want is a repeat of the pleural effusion which is more than likely to happen without the treatment :(

Anyway, I went back to see the consultant on Monday and my chest is perfect (his words, not mine!). My stitch has healed nicely nad he has given me the go ahead for some light excercise. No running or anything crazy like that but I am allowed to get in the pool and get swimming (gently!) As if I can swim any other way! So this leads me to my next challenge. I have signed up for a swim the channel event, don't worry, I don't have to swim the ACTUAL channel, just the distance of 22miles in 12 weeks, easy right? Shame I am such a rubbish swimmer! It is a charity event though and so will be worth the 90 odd lengths a week. It is for a charity called Aspire who help people with spinal injuries. Having been there mself and being lucky enough to have recovered fully from my injury it is special to me to be able to raise money for such a great cause. Even better I have managed to recruit quite a few unsuspecting friends :)

In other news, poor old Widget died in her sleep yesterday, she was 16 years old and had a great life, she was an amazing dog and we will miss her greatly. RIP upside down dog xxx

I have been asked by someone to add the above link to try and help boost awareness of ovarian cancer. I hope you can take the time to have a read. Thanks.

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