Saturday 19 May 2012

Iron and fiddling consultants.....

So, yesterday was a hospital day for me. I know, you're surprised! Anyway, 1st had to see 'my' consultant, I say my but in actual fact I have never seen this dude before in my life and no offence to the guy, I hope I never have to see him again! I miss the simpler times when I had Mr Shafi and he knew me and I knew him and I could be confident that putting my life in his hands was the right thing to do, hey ho, things change. My 2nd appointment was to get my long awaited iron infusion! I have been promised this for weeks but each time it gets close I end up needing a blood transfusion and it gets delayed so I was very happy that it all went ahead, the 1st of many I believe but its a start :)

Looks a bit grim but hopefully it will do the trick and I can stop with my vampire activities!

Anyway, back to the consultants meeting, said meeting was ordered due to last weeks impromptu trip to A&E and the gallons of blood that were pouring out of me... I know, its a lovely image but at least YOU didn't have to wake up to this thinking perhaps you had been stabbed, secretly in the night! All the usual stuff happened at the meeting. The standard tell me whats has been happening question which infuriates me every time as I know damn well its all in the notes which are sat on the desk in front of him but for some strange reason they like to hear it from the horses mouth. This was followed by the standard prodding and poking and the examinging of areas that really should not be looked at on a 1st date! Its a good job I have no shame left! Followed by the ordering of yet more scans and the conclusion that I have yet more tissue build up that is continuosly breaking away, causing bleeding and pain and that the best option is a proceedure to remove it and another proceedure to prevent its return. Brilliant you might say, however I have heard this all before, 3 times infact! 3 times I have had this proceedure that will prevent it from happening again and yet here it is, happening again! So you will forgive me if I am somewhat reluctant to jump staright in there and let them loose on what is left of my lady bits, I think I would rather live with what I have got thank you very much.

So, that was Friday, guess what I get to do Monday, thats right, I get to go to the hospital... Yay! Monday is the big endoscope day, I have been backwards and forwards with thoughts about sedation etc but I have finally decided that I am going to go with the no sedation option, I feel comfortable with my choice and althoughI know many people will think I am off my head, I know it is right for me. This is one of those mind over matter situations, so long as I can remain relaxed it will be fine. Not feeling too nervous, just want to get it out of the way now.... I will report back on whether or not I made the right decision!

As for this weekend, it is mostly work, although I am heading out for a meal for the 1st time since my Coeliac diognosis so this could be interesting. Wish me luck on finding something I want to eat... I'm thinking you can't go wrong with a nice juicy steak... Bring it on!

1 comment:

  1. Nicely said, A nice juicy steak should be fine, nom nom will also help with the iron too...You will have made the correct decision re sedation, you are very strong minded so should keep relaxed easily...good luck not that you will need it
