Tuesday 12 June 2012

my 1st blog, by popular demand!

Well, here it is folks. You all kept asking for it (OK so you asked for a book but seriously, how much time do you think I have on my hands!). Moral of the story, be careful what you ask for as you are now going to be bombarded by my inane ramblings!

I would like to think that really I have started this far too late in life as I hoping there are very few drama's left to come my way! If you know me, you will know my story, if you don't, well maybe one day you will catch up :)

Really you have caught me writing my first blog when I have not much positive to say. I just got news that my 'friend', I say friend, really we were cyber friends who only met on handful of occassions, has passed away. We were diognosed within a week of each other and been a big part of each others cancer journeys. I really don't want to make her death all about me but just to say it really is hard to get your head around losing a person who has been fighting the exact same battle you have, it really does put things into perspective and makes me so grateful for how far I have come. I can't pretend to understand any of this and I have no idea why she had to die and yet, here I am going strong so I am not going to dwell on the thought. I just wish the world to know what an amazing person she was and how deeply I will miss this virtual stranger in times when I just don't understand whats happening and I no longer have her wise word and sense of humour to turn to. RIP .

So, anyway, not a cheery start to my blogging career but there you are, like I said... You asked for it!


  1. welcome to blogg land, look forward to reading more of your normal madness

  2. Ditto...

