Saturday 30 June 2012

The day before tomorow...

Sitting here after a long day and a glass too many of wine and quietly pooping myself! I thought I should take this moment to write a post, just in case it turns out to be my last :-o

Tomorrow is Mudrunner, this has seemed like one of those things that would never come around and yet here we are, saying it is tomorrow. Training was going so well until the dreaded lurgy hit a few weeks ago and then almost as soon as I was over that, there I was stuck in bloody hospital again, so here I am packing in my excuses lol! The last few weeks have been a write off training wise and my general well being is a bit below average at the moment. However my will is strong and if there is any possible way I can drag this sorry state of a body around that course then I wil1! I have a feeling the event will be living up to its name and mud will be in plentyful supply. I had been dreaming of a balmy summers evening jaunt through the countryside followed by a few ciders and a bit of a giggle. I have a feeling I was delusional! It is going to be tough, but hey what an achievement and I reckon the old wreck can manage it one way or another lol! Bring it on!!!

Wednesday this week I spent at the hospital, had a whole bunch of scans to get through. the doctors have a few concerns and basically we are looking at whether or not I will need to be back on treatment. Scans are done now and I will discover my immediate fate Friday, nothing I can do now so just got to chill out about it and what will be will be. Scan day was  uneventful other than being delayed by the Olympic torch passing through Boston and I managed to squeeze in a lovely lunch with the twins and Nats two beatiful little girls so couldn't really complain about the day. :)

In other news, I went and tried out the spinning class at my gym on Monday... OMG! It was bloody terrible, the guy counted down the last 10 beats of every 16 in monotone, this made me want to hurt him! He then set us off into a full speed ahead sprint on the last track and left us in it for a full 3.5 minutes, without saying a word.... No motivation, no counting, no indication of when the pain may end, just long, drawn out, sprinting. Then once this track  was done, it was straight off the bike to stretch, no cool down, no bringing down the heart rate, I nearly bloody fell over my head was spinning so fast!! Terrible class!

Anyway, so if I survive I will blog again.... Hope you all have an easier wk end than me lol!!!

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